Wednesday, December 2, 2009

trying to explain

i know you are all reading the last post wondering if i was too sleep deprived, in denial, or maybe just drunk. thankfully that was not the case. however, i am just as in shock as i was saturday night. there are no words at least in the english language that can really explain this. you could call it a miracle, unbelievable, overwhelming, but that wouldn't be powerful enough.
let me just review the facts... sunday i was trying to process that i was probably going to be a widow and single mom within a few hours. there was much hope when he woke up early tuesday morning. up until 11:00 today i was trying to process that i was still going to be married to the man i love but that he would be a handicap version of that man. when i came back to the hospital today at 11:00 he was READING a book. the nurse informed me before i went into his room that he had just had a conversation with her that he felt like his normal self again just a little cloudy like he was on some medicine. when i went into his room to talk he was exactly the person i would've been talking to 7 days ago. he wasn't questioning why he was here, when we were going, where the boys were, etc. he was just talking like always. he told me he knew he was there because he fell, but he was having a hard time remembering exactly why he fell. when i told him he had a heart attack he wasn't shocked like he was the last 2300 times i told him that. he just said "that's what i thought". for several hours he was perfect. he still is, but he's extremely exhausted and getting a little cloudy again; he needs to sleep. the nurse just did a simple short-term memory test by asking him to remember the words cat, ball, and dog. five minutes later he asked him what words he was supposed to remember and he was able to tell him! he's back my friends! this is not to suggest there will not be many moments where he forget things; maybe he always will. heck, i forget things. i've asked the date several times today. at one point pete reminded me that i had already asked that 2 times; thanks for pointing that out, memory boy! :)
at this point he is trying to sleep while we wait for the angeiogram (sp?). they will still plan on installing the defibulator tomorrow or friday. and right now we will be home on saturday.
i am speechless. i am overwhelmed. i am grateful. i am speechless.


Julie Church said...

I am over joyed. I find it hard to imagine the emotional rollercoaster you have been though in just a few (very long)days. I am so very thankful the Lord saw fit to keep him here. I am so thankful. Wonderful news, Jen!

Les said...

I couldn't be happier for all of you! Congratulations. And I can't believe that he would be able to home so soon that is incredible.

Stormy said...


I laughed out loud at the "memory boy" part! I can't imagine the roller coaster you are on. But I am so happy that you have your hubby back. Really, I'm just overjoyed that you have been blessed with such a special miracle.


the murdocks said...

Wow. That is amazing...truly amazing. I met you guys once or twice before. My name is Stacie and I'm married to Pete's friend, Murd. Anyway, I feel like we have been riding this roller coaster of emotions right along with you, despite the fact that I hardly know you. I am beyond amazed at his recovery and couldn't be happier for your family. Thank you for sharing your experiences with remind me to cherish every second with the people I love. Your words have touched me so much.

I hope he continues to progress. We will keep checking in. You have done a fanastic job of keeping up with this has kept us in the loop.

Tim, Crista and Addy said...

Such great news! It's just incredible and I'm so happy for you!! Hopefully you both can get some rest.

Meghan said...

i thought i was speechless... but i can always find words.
i am jam packed with hope. and love for all of these wonderful people praying for your family and thinking about you all day. i am so grateful you have him back. it really is an answer to so many - so many prayers.. prayers that many of us never fully expected to see come to fruition. 2% 3 days ago... and 100% today (or dang near). wow!

i am amazed at your strength jen. i can't wait for you to be home again - as a family - so that pete and sam can drive that car around...
i know it must be hard at times having this all out there for all to see... but we are all learning from you and i thank you for letting us be a part of this incredible journey. much love.

Kendria said...

My daughter Julia (one of Pete's students at M. Park) wants me to have you tell your husband - "I'm excited that your getting back to being yourself again and I hope my prayers are helping you. I'll see you again soon." As her parent, I am so happy to hear this wonderful news!!

Ashly said...

wow - -- that is such great news. I am so happy for you. I think we've all had a minor version of your emotional roller coaster over the past few days. It's so nice to have it rolling on such a high note!!

ashlan said...

Jen I found out about Pete through Megs blog, what a Small world. (you also do my friend Jocee's hair) Our thoughs and prayers are with you. You are a strong girl I learned that at SLCC you can do anything you put your mind to. I'm glad to hear that everything is going well heck great!

Kristen and Co. said...

Wow. Just WOW! So amazing. So happy things are going so well for you. Donette has been keeping us updated, and our side of the family has all been praying for you desparately. Just grateful the Lord is granting all the petitions coming up to him on your behalf. So glad and so grateful.

Arin and Troy said...

I really cant believe it! Let us know when he is up for visitors. Troy really wants to see him and I cant wait to tell him all of the hilarious things he said to me yesterday! :)

Jocee Bergeson said...

i could NOT be happier for you guys right now. please continue to get well, Pete!

Lindsay said...

Does anyone else have the Hallelujah chorus constantly playing in their head?

This is amazing! Everything we've been praying and hoping for you guys. I can't believe it's happened so fast! This afternoon has been full of tears of extreme gratitude to a loving Heavenly Father who answers when we knock.

katwalk said...

I was playing Hallelujah at 5:30am yesterday sendding graditude back to our Father In Heaven and been signing it in my heart since

petie said...

I can't believe that a few days ago I was checking flights in case I needed to come home for a funeral, and now he's doing so well! I have to think that he had some pretty convincing advocates for him in heaven (his dad, Uncle Denny, grandpa) who were fighting for his life like we were. I'm so happy for you guys and recognize it as a wonderful miracle. Send Pete our love.

katwalk said...

I know I know someone slipped Pete some Kyptonite and he had to go on a secret mission to save the world glad your back. I always knew there was a secret you were keeping sorry Miss Lane let it out of the bag I'm sure she sewed you up a special suit a long time ago and you guys didn't tell us till now well Clark Kent aka Superman the suit fits well!!!!!!!Please wear with honor I had fond memories this day of 3 years ago this day you had showed me the real Pete as we explored the trails and the beach in Hawaii glad we had that walk to the beach thanks for letting me show you something I loved and you saw the beauty of it all Thanks Pete for fighting for my daughter thanks and much love goes your way I've shouting out for your return just took me awhile to figure out you were doing something important we all need a miracle in this day and thanks for having super powers man just stay away from the kypto okay love you Kathy

Suzie said...

Asbolutely wonderful and miraculous news. And unbelieveable that he's coming home so soon. The power of prayer is incredible, isn't it?

Hugs & much love to you all...

Candice said...

WOW! I can't believe it!! What wonderful news. What a miracle!

Heidi said...

Wow! Huge congratulations to you! We are so excited for you and add our happy hearts in your celebration. Wow, we pray the progress continues and you are home together within the week. Miracles! How wonderful. Love and hugs!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jen, I am so grateful that you and your family are being taken care of by your Heavenly Father. You deserve it!!! I admire your strength and endurance as you have exemplified charity and absolute love for Pete. When you are ready, Please let me help with any questions you may have in regards to catastrophic leave with the school district if someone has not already explained some of the great benefits that may be available to you and your family until time passes and health is anewed. I am so happy for you right now. YOU and Pete are amazing! Love ya, Nannette

Anonymous said...

Ahhh... the power of prayer... right in front of our eyes! I am so happy for your family! I hope this does nothing but bring you closer...

Charity said...

I am so happy to hear this news. I have been checking in consistantly, and am truly amazed. What a blessing.

Debby Sharp Johnson said...

hallelujah!!!!!!! I love you so! You are the most blessed lady I know...after all, you found Pete didn't you?! Wow I am so happy for you both!

Me said...

Such an amazing, amazing, amazing Miracle. I am so happy that he is doing well. Our prayers have been with you. The song from Prince of Egypt"There can be Miracles if you believe" is running through my head right now. We will continue to pray for you all. What a wonderful story of faith and miracles to share with your children and generations to follow. God is great!!

linds said...

best news i have heard in a really long time.

Jenn N. said...

Oh, my gosh! Your latest news in AMAZING!! Home on Saturday! That is wonderful!! Faith is a very powerful thing.

The things you have shared through your blog are amazing. Thank you for letting all of us follow along.

The world is so fortunate he is back!

Take care!

Pieces of Us said...

I found your blog from Charlie Cooper's yesterday and have been thinking and praying about your family since. I am so happy for your family. The Lord truly watches over us and answers our prayers.

katwalk said...

Does anyone else feel like shouting from the mountain tops that our Savior LIves this day and watches over us daily He is the only answer to this miracle so please give our praise to HIM and no other;)

Unknown said...

I can't even begin to tell you the impact these last few days have had on our family spiritually! Our thoughts were continually on your family including our sweet sunbeam Sam. We are so thrilled at the miracle that our Heavenly Father has given us through Pete. We love you so much and can't wait to see you all home again.


The Lieber's

The Nickell Family said...

We are so thrilled! We couldn't be happier for your family!

Ganny said...

Heroes unrecognized. I want to mention a few. Jen's sisters Amy and Arin and their families. Jen and Pete's dear neighbor Norma. and Roxey. I know there are others. Norma was there for them when it happened. Calming Sam when he was awakened by the commotion. Loving both Sam and Will, providing some security for them. A precious lady!!!!!

Amy has provided love and care for the boys and Jen has been comfortable concerning their care. Amy also has spent time at the hospital to be with Jen and also Pete. Taking off work and sharing her family. Amy's family, THANKS for sharing her to help. I hear Isac has been a tremendous good guy too. She has been so wonderful. Another precious gal!!!!!!

Arin has been with them. Staying with Pete(quite an experience) so Jen could do some things. Leaving her baby with sitters in order to do this, and also taking off work. THANKS Troy for willingly sharing Arin and her time. Another precious gal!

Roxey for doing everything she possibly could. Another great Gal! hey Roxey, way back then when you knew Jen and you knew Pete and I think introduced them. Did you ever think you were getting SUPERMAN and WONDERWOMAN together?

Sam and Will have been little troopers....Lots of concern dealing with everything.

Jena Wright said...

I went to high school with Pete and am overwhelmed and overjoyed with the news and updates. Hang in there, Jen!!

Anonymous said...

I am so greatful to read this news! Pete and I worked together at Syracuse Junior. He is a great man. I am so relieved to see he is on the way up. I am greatful to see the power of prayer, especially this time of year. Thanks for keeping us informed.
Nancy Adams

Julie said...

Yay! I'm so happy he is getting back to normal. What an amazing miracle and reminder to all the power of prayer. I wish you the very best as you return home and get back to life as normal, whatever that may look like now. I'll continue to keep you in my prayers. You are an inspiration to all. :)

Alisa said...

Hooray, hooray. Oh my what a blessing. I love this blog. Thank you for posting these updates!

Candle Black said...
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Candle Black said...

Jen, I'm so happy for you!!!!! Ahhh!!! For days, you guys have been on the back of my brain, all day long!! I've been so worried and stressed about losing Nic. And everything comes along with that. I think I can start to relax now! I can't imagine how much you've been through. Thank God!! You guys have been so blessed Jen! I only pray that the trauma and stress that you were put through didn't have any effect on that baby inside of you. Congratulations by the way!!! I'm sure you all are going to appreciate every single day so much more now. God was watching over you Jen, and answering your prayers. It's just a miracle. I love you Jen. Please keep us informed, I check your webpage every day now lol. I have to thank you for making me appreciate everything I have even more. God works in mysterious ways. And everything always happens for a reason. I'm just so happy it had this ending.
Stay healthy and happy Jen. talk soon. Love you!

Jody said...

I heard today about the trial your family have been living this week. I am so sorry, I know that isn't much, but you have been on my mind all night. You are all in my prayers. My kids are at their dad's this week so if you need me to come and clean I am happy to help (or do anything you need, wrap christmas, tend boys, shop, etc..). My 16 yr old and I could come over for a couple hours on Saturday. If you do not need help at this point, I do not expect any reply. I know you have other important things to be doing. Let Cydney know if you want me or give me a call. I love your family! May the Lord continue to bless you, your family and heal Pete.


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