For those of you who know about my special foot problem know how difficult it is for me to buy shoes. It's been this way my whole life. What normally happens is I found a pair of shoes that I love and that will work with my orthotic, but they won't have both of the sizes that I need. I always try to buy inexpensive shoes because it really adds up when you have to buy 2 pairs just to equal one. Anyways, I'm done messing around with it. I'm going to buy shoes that work no matter what the cost. That's just what I did last night. I bought these boots. Of course I had to take out a second mortgage to afford them. Well, not really, but I have never owned a pair boots that were this expensive. Why did it I do it one might ask. I did it because they work, and they have been the only ones that I have been able to find that match all of my criteria. And I'm finished messing around. I rarely have had this luxury. I LOVE them.
Now for the experience buying them. Pete & I went to our outdoor mall last night. He needed to get a computer part, and I was going to get the boots. Pete kindly offered to take the boys with him to the computer store to keep the shoe buying process as least stressful for me as possible. That ended up creating far more stress than if the boys would've come with me. Sam left Pete in the store. He thought he was just on the aisle over, but after 30 seconds of not hearing him Pete checked on him, and he was gone. He thought he couldn't have gotten far, but after checking the whole back of the store he realized he was not back there. He went to the front of the store and asked the clerk if she had seen a little boy. She said yes. Pete started getting excited demanding that employees start looking for him. They were all running through the store searching for him. They quickly learned he wasn't there, and Pete started getting excited again demanding that they call security. At that point Pete took off outside trying to find him. What was Sam doing during this time? He was on his way to the shoe to find me of course. He did find a shoe store and went in; it just wasn't the store that I was in. The clerk asked if he was lost. He was as calm as a cat and told them his dad was named Pete and he was just in the computer store with his brother Scooter. He also informed her that he was about to have a birthday. Thankfully the woman knew to call security which in turn security was able to find Pete. Pete was never so relieved to see him sitting in a cushy chair in a woman's shoe store! For those of you who may not know, Sam always has an agenda and his mind works remarkably to figure out how to execute that agenda. THANK GOODNESS he's also smart enough to know contact info when he needs it! Hopefully these incidents will not continue to happen. We don't ever want to lose him, and we also don't want the police force in our community to know him at such a young age!!
MY GOSH!!!!!!! I saw on Tv a woman that had some kind of tracking device on her child, and he wandered away and she pushed a button and was able to track him. Might check it out. Tooooooo scary. Ganny
Isn't this the second time Sam has warranted a call to the police/security? Love the boots!
And I am glad Sam was found.
Those boots are so cute! It looks like they should be fairly easy to walk in with a heal like that.
I have been laughing all weekend about you guys losing Sam (mom told me). I am just glad it was Pete that was in charge of the situation, not you. I'm sure he was MUCH MUCH CALMER than you would have been! Luckily Sam was smart enough to get things sorted out!
I love the boots! they are awesome! And, glad Sam was safe and smart even though he wandered away!
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