Saturday, February 9, 2008

what took so long to figure this out?!

Sam is about 95% potty trained. He has had very few accidents, and we have even been able to successfully take him out in public. Because he is so good at using the potty, I have been very concerned about his teeth rotting out because he would get a candy every time after using the potty. One day he wanted me to take the lid off the toilet so he could see how it worked. Watching the internal workings of the toilet has proved to be far more rewarding to Sam than a piece of candy. Every time he uses the toilet now he comes to get me to take the lid off so he can see what happens when he flushes. Thankfully he is no longer rotting his teeth, and he is just adding more working knowledge to that great brain of his. No one can convince me that he didn't come to this earth with a natural talent and interest in how the world is built and how it all works!


Stormy said...

That is so cool, Jennifer. I love how children have a natural curiosity that reminds us adults to "stop and smell the roses." Sofia is fascinated each time she watches how the washing machine fills, turns, and spins when we throw the clothes in!

Stormy said...

p.s. Good parents really encourage that curiosity in their children. You're doing great, Jennifer!

Arin and Troy said...

Sam is definately one of a kind. I can't wait to see what he grows up to be.

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