Tuesday, June 24, 2008

do you want to take a nap?

Sam is now officially potty trained and does a great job about going on his own or asking when we are in a new place. Tonight his Grandma Jane took him to the pool with his cousins Kol and Luk. Kol was very concerned about helping him use the potty. As they were leaving the dressing room Kol told Sam that he should use the potty. Sam said "I don't want to." Kol had a clever response; he said "do you want to take a nap?". Of course Sam said no, so Kol said "then you better use the potty." Sam used it immediately. WOW! What quick and clever thinking for a 7-year-old! What has taken me so long to figure out to use a nap threat to get some response around here!?


Ashly said...

How funny! Sam is so impressive with his potty abilities! I don't think that would work for me. Clark would say 'ya, I wanna take a nap' and would run for his bed. Maybe if I threatened him with lunch instead!! ha ha.

Hey - I forgot to write down the next date and time for my hair apt. I think it was the first week of Aug. Can you tell me for sure? Just post it on my blog if you want. Thanks!

Ryan and Amy Harvey said...

Way to go Sam!!

Arin and Troy said...

I think you need to bring Kol around a little more to help with stuff like that!

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