I definately have a 2 year old!! He is growing so quickly I can't believe it!! He is saying so many cute things, being soooo smart, and getting into all kinds of mischief. Just to recall a few things this week...
*he colored the closet doors in Will's room with crayons. Any tips on how to remove crayons from closet doors???
*he told me today that "I love blue." ok, thank you, Sam
*he desperately wants to be potty trained. Every time he dirtied his diaper this week he would take it off and try to dump it down the toilet. That has been fun!! We are really going to give this potty training thing a try. I have no idea what I'm doing. Help please.
*he's so smart. I have no idea who told him this... He has a shirt that says "Trouble is my middle name" Grandpa Dennis asked him yesterday when he was wearing the shirt what it said. Sam responded "it says I naughty." Whoever out there is telling him he's naughty please stop because he's understanding too much.
*he thinks everything is funny. He's constantly asking me if things are funny. Today he was watching Ice Age, and he was laughing his head off. He kept saying "animals funny!!" It's weird to see him have a sense of humor. He doesn't think Pete is funny though. He was on his funny kick, so Pete asked him if he thought he was funny and he looked at him squarely and said "NO" Don't feel bad Pete, Sam is always telling me to stop singing and dancing!!!
*my favorite thing of all was what he said to Will. Yesterday I was making dinner and Will was in his swing in the kitchen fussing a little. I asked Sam to go tell him everything would be ok, so Sam went to him and told him it was ok and mumbled some other things. Then he said "Hey, do you want to go run around?" It was so cute!! I hope this is the beginning of a wonderful friendship.
I sure do love Sam; I cherish every moment and I'm enjoying him so much again.
Don't you wish you could freeze Sam at the age he is? I love kids at this age with the things they are starting to say and absorb. It is so fascinating...
Maybe you should ask Mom about the naughty t-shirt.
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