Wednesday, February 17, 2010

run ragged

it has been an extremely draining week. the adjustment to going back to doing most of the work around here on mine own is starting to catch up to me. my kids must be able to tell that i'm a little ragged, and they are running wild with it. they have been a bit out of control... fighting, tattling, not listening, climbing the walls, and having melt downs of all melt downs. i wish i could say that i've stepped up to the plate and handled it all well with a loving and creative attitude; i'm ashamed to admit i've had a few meltdowns of my own. i guess it's no surprise where my children learn that??? the plain truth is that i'm just too tired to know what to do, to stay as calm as i should. the part that has been the hardest is the whole new level of guilt that comes when you know personally how temporary this life can be; i just don't want to find myself wasting these moments with my children.

i'm recommitted to doing better tomorrow. i know i won't be perfect like i always hope, but i will settle for better.


Ganny said...

sounds like a normal place to me!!! I can not imagine you being tired.

katwalk said...

I think it's time Maggie has nap time on the list maybe the boys would rest for her you do need to rest for her because once she is it here it will have to be her time too so that will be less mommy time rest now what ever it takes only weeks away rest

Heidi said...

Its nice to know we're all in the same crazy mommy boat -- and that you're not alone. :) Good job keeping your head above water and looking forward to tomorrow. Hugs!

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