Thursday, April 15, 2010

a really close call

the joy of having maggie has certainly overshadowed the lingering anxieties that pete's incident have caused in me.
however, many moments in the last 2 weeks have been spent trying to process how different this experience would have been without pete.
and how close of a call that truly was.
i still can't imagine how painful it really would've been,
how hard it would've been to do this alone,
how lonely i would've been without him.
every time i have seen the boys smile or laugh or play in the last 2 weeks i have wondered how long it would've been before we could've smiled again.
would they have still have been so happy today at the park if they didn't have a dad?
would maggie be such a mild, peaceful baby if she didn't have a dad?
how different would her life be to have never met the wonderful man who fathered her?
how different we all would be to not walk this road of life with the man we all love so deeply!
it's not important to know how different life would've been;
i just know it would have been.
i'm just still overwhelmed with gratitude that the close call worked out in our favor.


The Nickell Family said...

I had some of those same thoughts as I looked at the picture of your family with Maggie in a previous glad Pete was there with you!

katwalk said...

still gratful everday myself that Pete is here so this baby can know him I'm sure they made a very special plans glad they chose this one :)

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