Thursday, March 19, 2009


how sam remembers everything? the kid has a remarkable memory; he doesn't forget a thing. it's the oddest things that sometimes happened over a year ago, but he often recalls them. tonight as i was putting him to bed he recalled a strange event that happened before christmas. pete's grandpa was in the hospital and we had gone to see him. this is how sam remembered it...

"mom, remember when we were at the hospital visiting grandpa? i saw a man with a really big tummy that was so big full of goodies of treats. i wanted to talk about it, but you told me to wait until we got in the car."

yes, that happened exactly how he remembered. why did he remember that? i don't know, and i don't know how. this is such a small example of how he remembers everything big and small. 

1 comment:

sarah jane said...

That is so funny! I laughed out loud when I read it. It makes you wonder a little more what is really going on in the mind of a child

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