Monday, February 9, 2009

a taste of my childhood revisted

I was pleasantly surprised to be visited today by the Schawns man. At 1st glance through their catalog, I thought "no way will buy any of this overpriced food", but seeing Sam & Will staring at the Schawns man in amazement I caved at the memory. From as early as I can remember my grandma's basement deep freeze was stocked with mini cheese pizzas, sundae cones, chocolate fudge & strawberry ice cream cups, orange sherbet push-em pops, gallon size cookies and cream ice cream, corn dogs, and chicken cordon-bleus. We always overcooked the pizzas in the microwave, and I don't recall the sundae cones ever not tasting a little freezer burnt, but we didn't care. It was always a treat to have it and a treat when the Schawns man came. We'd gather around the table and flip through the catalog dreaming of all the other frozen delicacies but sticking with the good ole' standbys. I always had a crush on Sean the Schawn man; that's the 1st time I learned that "Sean" was pronounced like "Shawn" and not "Seen". :)   
I couldn't resist holding onto the memory and sharing it with my kids. As we ate our slightly freezer burnt sundae cones today I could've closed my eyes and been right back at my Ganny's. That's Sam and Will's 1st taste of what it was like to be there and hopefully it won't be their last. 


Dana Marie said...

O the freezer burnt ice cream cones... Memories!!

Arin and Troy said...

I MISS and LOVE the Schwann man, too! I have looked into signing up for the delivery guy to come to our house, but then I looked at the prices and decided against it. I guess I will have to splurge once our kids get old enough to have the memory. Thank you Ganny for buying us overpriced ice cream and treats! I guess it was probably easier than taking us all to the store with you! ha ha!

Ryan and Amy Harvey said...

You actually had a crush on the Schwann man? I liked to help carry everything in but a crush...

Melissa said...

That is really sweet.

Ashly said...

That's cute! I've always wanted to order from them too but haven't ever done it. I've always wanted to get Winder deliver too but can't cough up the money!

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