this is literally what our bathtub looks like after Pete, Sam, and Will take a bath. Yes, they do bathe daily; I guess boys just get dirtier than girls???? Guess who cleans it up? ME!! I didn't make the mess, but I get to clean up the mess. Doesn't that fall under the classification of a MAID????
I can't believe your daring enough to show a picture of your used bathtub. You are too funny. I will have to say that my girls get a bath everyday (with a hit and miss there)but our tub looks like that after some days, too. It's called summer fun, at least that's what I chalk it up too.
Nope, it is under the classification of a Mommie or "Ganny" Love Ganny
That is gross. I totally understand the maid thing!!!
I feel the same way - I'm always amazed how yucky one little 2 year can be!
It is really great to get to see these pictures of you family after all these years!! My family is growing--Alison married (2 years), Neil going to Paraguay on a mission in October, and my youngest (also Sam), baptized this past May!! Life goes on much too quickly.
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